At this time, The Boychoir Foundation is currenlty led by three American Boychoir alums spanning the generations.

Kris Brewer, ABS '92
Kris Brewer, JD, is the Director of Technology for the Center for Brains, Minds & Machines at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University. He is also a Lecturer of Film Studies and Studio Art at Boston College in the Art, Art History & Film Department where he teaches video editing and the post-production process, and creative web design. Kris received his Juris Doctorate in 2010 from Suffolk University Law School.

Chester "Chet" Douglass, CBS '54
Chester W. Douglass, DMD, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Oral Health Policy in the Harvard School of Dental Medicine and Professor of Epidemiology in the Harvard School of Public Health where he formerly directed the Harvard University Oral Epidemiology Doctoral Training Program. Currently, Dr. Douglass is the co-investigator of an NIH study of bone disease. This national collaborative study is coordinating data collection efforts in ten orthopedic surgery departments throughout the United States. He is also participating in a collaborative global program of preventive dentistry technologies.
Dr. Douglass presently serves as Immediate Past President for the Denta Quest Foundation and as Chair of the Program Committee for the Massachusetts based Health Resources in Action as well as their Board of Directors.
Dr. Douglass speaks frequently throughout the United States on issues related to trends in the economic market for dental care, access to dental care, and the effect of demographic trends and new technologies on the need and demand for dental care. He had published more than 200 papers on these and other subjects.

Aaron Smyth, ABS '01
Aaron Smyth is a web developer and entrepreneur based in New York city.